Dr. Ballyhoo
This is the website where you put all the stuff to sell Dr.
Ballyhoo's services.
Use Dr. Ballyhoo to print highly specialized treatment
notes to your patient for improved treatment quality.
Improve access to your favorite rating services to get your
rating counts up.
Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions
Set Password
Enter the following information:
This is the login for Dr. Ballyhoo.
Or if you do not have an account, please register.
If you have an account but have forgotten your password, click here.
Dr. Ballyhoo Account Registration
Enter the following information:
Change Password
Enter the following information:
Check your e-mail to find an e-mail verification request and click the button on the e-mail.
If you do not see it, please check your spam. You may make another request by pressing the button.
Payment Options
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Thank you for your payment!
A receipt has been sent to your e-mail. You can also print this page as a receipt if you did not receive one.
Account Information
User Logins
You can add users to this account that will be allowed to generate the treatment sheets for patients.
Added users will receive an email confirming the email address and providing a link to set their passwords.
Payment Status
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URL Link to Website or Review Manager